Snapd – 2
The Snapd-GLib library
Alias |
since: 1.8 |
App |
since: 1.0 |
Assertion |
since: 1.0 |
AuthData |
since: 1.0 |
AutorefreshChangeData |
since: 1.65 |
Category |
since: 1.64 |
CategoryDetails |
since: 1.64 |
Change |
since: 1.5 |
ChangeData |
A since: 1.65 |
Channel |
since: 1.22 |
Client |
since: 1.0 |
Connection |
since: 1.0 |
Icon |
since: 1.0 |
Interface |
since: 1.48 |
Log |
since: 1.64 |
Maintenance |
since: 1.45 |
MarkdownNode |
since: 1.48 |
MarkdownParser |
since: 1.48 |
Media |
since: 1.45 |
Notice |
since: 1.65 |
NoticesMonitor |
since: 1.66 |
Plug |
since: 1.0 |
PlugRef |
since: 1.0 |
Price |
since: 1.0 |
Screenshot |
since: 1.0 |
Slot |
since: 1.0 |
SlotRef |
since: 1.0 |
Snap |
since: 1.0 |
SystemInformation |
since: 1.0 |
Task |
since: 1.0 |
TaskData |
since: 1.66 |
UserInformation |
since: 1.3 |
AliasStatus |
Status of an alias. since: 1.8 |
ChangeFilter |
Filter to apply to changes. since: 1.29 |
Confinement |
Confinement used by a snap. since: 1.0 |
DaemonType |
Type of daemon. since: 1.9 |
MaintenanceKind |
Type of snap. since: 1.45 |
MarkdownNodeType |
Type of markdown node. since: 1.48 |
MarkdownVersion |
Version of markdown to parse. Picking a version will ensure only nodes of the expected type are decoded. since: 1.48 |
NoticeType | |
PublisherValidation |
State of validation for a publisher. since: 1.42 |
SnapStatus |
The current state of a snap. since: 1.0 |
SnapType |
Type of snap. since: 1.0 |
SystemConfinement |
Confinement used by a snap. since: 1.15 |
ThemeStatus |
The status of a snap-packaged desktop theme. since: 1.60 |
CreateUserFlags |
Flag to control when a user accounts is created. since: 1.3 |
FindFlags |
Flag to change how a find is performed. since: 1.0 |
GetAppsFlags |
Flag to change which apps are returned. since: 1.25 |
GetConnectionsFlags |
Flag to change how connections are returned. since: 1.49 |
GetInterfacesFlags |
Flags to control how interface information is returned. since: 1.48 |
GetSnapsFlags |
Flag to change which snaps are returned. since: 1.42 |
InstallFlags |
Flags to control install options. since: 1.12 |
RemoveFlags |
Flags to control remove options. since: 1.50 |
Error Domains
Error |
Error codes returned by snapd operations. since: 1.0 |
LogCallback |
Signature for callback function used in snapd_client_follow_logs_sync(). since: 1.64 |
ProgressCallback |
Signature for callback function used in
since: 1.0 |
login_async |
Asynchronously get authorization to install/remove snaps.
See deprecated: 1.34 since: 1.0 |
login_finish |
Complete login started with snapd_login_async().
See deprecated: 1.34 since: 1.0 |
login_sync |
This call used to contact a D-Bus service to perform snapd authentication
using Polkit. This now just creates a deprecated: 1.34 since: 1.0 |