150 void* data,
size_t data_size);
161 void* data,
size_t data_size);
320 const EGLint* attribs);
360 uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format,
int(* AnboxCreateADBConnectionCallback)(const char *id, void *user_data)
AnboxCreateADBConnectionCallback is invoked when creating ADB connection.
int(* AnboxChangeDisplaySizeCallback)(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, void *user_data)
AnboxChangeDisplaySizeCallback is invoked when changing the display size.
int(* AnboxTriggerActionCallback)(const char *name, const char **args, size_t args_len, void *user_data)
AnboxTriggerActionCallback is invoked when an action is triggered within the Android system.
int(* AnboxChangeScreenOrientationCallback)(AnboxScreenOrientationType orientation_type, void *user_data)
AnboxChangeScreenOrientationCallback is invoked when changing the screen orientation.
int(* AnboxChangeDisplayDensityCallback)(uint32_t density, void *user_data)
AnboxChangeDisplayDensityCallback is invoked when changing the display density.
int(* AnboxVideoDecoderRetrieveImageFunc)(const AnboxVideoDecoder *decoder, AnboxVideoImage *img)
int(* AnboxGraphicsProcessorInitializeFunc)(const AnboxGraphicsProcessor *graphics_processor, AnboxGraphicsConfiguration *configuration)
Initialize the graphics processor.
int(* AnboxCameraProcessorInjectFrameFunc)(const AnboxCameraProcessor *camera_processor, AnboxVideoFrame frame)
Inject a video frame into AnboxPlatform.
bool(* AnboxAudioProcessorNeedSilenceOnStandbyFunc)(const AnboxAudioProcessor *audio_processor)
Produce a silent audio stream on need while the audio output stream goes into the standby state.
int(* AnboxSensorProcessorInjectDataFunc)(const AnboxSensorProcessor *sensor_processor, AnboxSensorData data)
Inject a sensor data into AnboxPlatform.
ssize_t(* AnboxAudioProcessorWriteDataFunc)(const AnboxAudioProcessor *audio_processor, const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
Write a chunk of audio data.
bool(* AnboxPlatformReadyFunc)(const AnboxPlatform *platform)
Query the platform for its ready status.
int(* AnboxProxySetChangeDisplayDensityCallbackFunc)(const AnboxProxy *anbox_proxy, const AnboxChangeDisplayDensityCallback &callback, void *user_data)
Set the change display density callback function.
int(* AnboxAudioProcessorStandbyFunc)(const AnboxAudioProcessor *audio_processor, AnboxAudioStreamType type)
Notify the platform when an audio stream is in standby mode.
int(* AnboxGpsProcessorStartFunc)(const AnboxGpsProcessor *gps_processor)
Request Gps processor to start forwarding the GPS data to Android container.
int(* AnboxPlatformStopFunc)(const AnboxPlatform *platform)
Ask the platform to stop any pending work it has to prepare for Anbox to terminate.
bool(* AnboxGraphicsProcessorCreateBufferFunc)(const AnboxGraphicsProcessor *graphics_processor, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t format, uint32_t usage, AnboxGraphicsBuffer2 **buffer)
int(* AnboxProxySendMessageFunc)(const AnboxProxy *anbox_proxy, const char *type, size_t type_size, const char *data, size_t data_size)
Send a message from Anbox to the platform.
ssize_t(* AnboxAudioProcessorReadDataFunc)(const AnboxAudioProcessor *audio_processor, uint8_t *data, size_t size)
Read a chunk of audio data.
int(* AnboxPlatformWaitUntilReadyFunc)(const AnboxPlatform *platform)
Wait for platform plugin to be initialized.
int(* AnboxVideoDecoderFlushFunc)(const AnboxVideoDecoder *decoder)
int(* AnboxVideoDecoderReleaseFunc)(AnboxVideoDecoder *decoder)
int(* AnboxPlatformGetConfigItemFunc)(const AnboxPlatform *platform, AnboxPlatformConfigurationKey key, void *data, size_t data_size)
Retrieve the configuration options provided by platform plugin.
EGLDisplay(* AnboxGraphicsProcessorCreateDisplayFunc)(const AnboxGraphicsProcessor *graphics_processor)
Create an EGL display.
uint64_t(* AnboxVideoDecoderDecodeFrameFunc)(const AnboxVideoDecoder *decoder, const AnboxVideoFrame *frame, uint64_t pts)
int(* AnboxProxySetCreateAdbConnectionCallbackFunc)(const AnboxProxy *proxy, const AnboxCreateADBConnectionCallback &callback, void *user_data)
Allows the platform to create ADB connection.
int(* AnboxCameraProcessorCloseDeviceFunc)(const AnboxCameraProcessor *camera_processor)
Close a camera device.
bool(* AnboxGraphicsProcessorPresent2Func)(const AnboxGraphicsProcessor *graphics_processor, AnboxGraphicsBuffer2 *buffer, AnboxCallback *callback)
Present the given buffer to a display or other output.
size_t(* AnboxAudioProcessorProcessDataFunc)(const AnboxAudioProcessor *audio_processor, const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
Process a chunk of audio data.
void(* AnboxPlatformSetupEventTracerFunc)(const AnboxPlatform *platform, AnboxTracerGetCategoryEnabledFunc get_category_enabled_func, AnboxTracerAddEventFunc add_event_func)
Register an external event tracing implementation with the platform.
int(* AnboxProxySetChangeScreenOrientationCallbackFunc)(const AnboxProxy *anbox_proxy, const AnboxChangeScreenOrientationCallback &callback, void *user_data)
Set the change screen orientation callback function.
int(* AnboxGpsProcessorStopFunc)(const AnboxGpsProcessor *gps_processor)
Request Gps processor to stop forwarding the GPS data to Android container.
int(* AnboxCameraProcessorReadFrameFunc)(const AnboxCameraProcessor *camera_processor, AnboxVideoFrame *frame, int timeout)
Read next available video frame.
int(* AnboxSensorProcessorReadDataFunc)(const AnboxSensorProcessor *sensor_processor, AnboxSensorData *data, int timeout)
Read next available sensor data.
int(* AnboxCameraProcessorGetDeviceSpecsFunc)(const AnboxCameraProcessor *camera_processor, AnboxCameraSpec **specs, size_t *length)
Open a camera device.
int(* AnboxCameraProcessorOpenDeviceFunc)(const AnboxCameraProcessor *camera_processor, AnboxCameraSpec spec, AnboxCameraOrientation orientation)
Open a camera device.
int(* AnboxVideoDecoderConfigureFunc)(const AnboxVideoDecoder *decoder, AnboxVideoDecoderConfig config)
int(* AnboxProxySetTriggerActionCallbackFunc)(const AnboxProxy *proxy, const AnboxTriggerActionCallback &callback, void *user_data)
Allows the platform to trigger an action within the Android system.
int(* AnboxInputProcessorInjectEventFunc)(const AnboxInputProcessor *input_processor, AnboxInputEvent event)
Inject an input event into AnboxPlatform.
int(* AnboxAudioProcessorActivateFunc)(const AnboxAudioProcessor *audio_processor, AnboxAudioStreamType type)
Notify the platform when an audio stream is in activation mode.
void(* AnboxPlatformHandleEventFunc)(const AnboxPlatform *platform, AnboxEventType type)
Handle an event fired from Anbox by a platform.
int(* AnboxGpsProcessorInjectDataFunc)(const AnboxGpsProcessor *gps_processor, AnboxGpsData data)
Inject a gps data into AnboxPlatform.
int(* AnboxGpsProcessorReadDataFunc)(const AnboxGpsProcessor *gps_processor, AnboxGpsData *data, int timeout)
Read next available gps data.
AnboxSensorType(* AnboxSensorProcessorSupportedSensorsFunc)(const AnboxSensorProcessor *sensor_processor)
Sensors supported by the platform.
void(* AnboxGraphicsProcessorBeginFrameFunc)(const AnboxGraphicsProcessor *graphics_processor)
Begin a new frame.
int(* AnboxVhalConnectorSetCallbacksFunc)(const AnboxVhalConnector *connector, const AnboxVhalConnectorCallbacks *callbacks, void *user_data)
Allows the platform to call Android VHAL functions through Anbox.
EGLSurface(* AnboxGraphicsProcessorCreateOffscreenSurfaceFunc)(const AnboxGraphicsProcessor *graphics_processor, EGLDisplay display, EGLConfig config, const EGLint *attribs)
Create an offscreen EGL surface.
int(* AnboxProxySetChangeDisplaySizeCallbackFunc)(const AnboxProxy *anbox_proxy, const AnboxChangeDisplaySizeCallback &callback, void *user_data)
Set the change display size callback function.
int(* AnboxInputProcessorReadEventFunc)(const AnboxInputProcessor *input_processor, AnboxInputEvent *event, int timeout)
Read next available input event.
void(* AnboxReleasePlatformFunc)(AnboxPlatform *platform)
Release a platform instance.
void(* AnboxGraphicsProcessorFinishFrameFunc)(const AnboxGraphicsProcessor *graphics_processor)
Finish the currently rendered frame.
bool(* AnboxGraphicsProcessorPresentFunc)(const AnboxGraphicsProcessor *graphics_processor, AnboxGraphicsBuffer *buffer, AnboxCallback *callback)
Present the given buffer to a display or other output.
bool(* AnboxGraphicsProcessorDestroyOffscreenSurfaceFunc)(const AnboxGraphicsProcessor *graphics_processor, EGLDisplay display, EGLSurface surface)
Destroy an offscreen EGL surface.
int(* AnboxPlatformSetConfigItemFunc)(const AnboxPlatform *platform, AnboxPlatformConfigurationKey key, void *data, size_t data_size)
Set the configuration options by Anbox to the platform.
Generic callback wrapper.
AnboxCameraSpec represents the camera specification.
AnboxDisplaySpec describes properties of the Anbox rendering pipeline the platform plugin can influen...
AnboxSensorData represents the sensor data stucture,.
AnboxVhalConnectorCallbacks is the structure holding all VHAL-related callbacks.
AnboxVideoDecoderConfig describes the configuration of a video decoder.
AnboxVideoFrame represents a single complete video frame.
AnboxVideoImage describes a decoded image returned by the video decoder.
AnboxPlatformConfigurationKey specifies configuration items which allow to influence the behavior and...
AnboxVideoCodecType describes the type of a video codec.
const unsigned char *(* AnboxTracerGetCategoryEnabledFunc)(const char *name)
Method prototype which will be used to determine if the given tracing category is enabled for tracing...
describes the orientations that Anbox supports in the camea processor
void(* AnboxTracerAddEventFunc)(char phase, const unsigned char *category, const char *name, unsigned long long id, int num_args, const char **arg_names, const unsigned char *arg_types, const unsigned long long *arg_values, unsigned char flags)
Method prototype which will be used by the platform to submit trace events to the tracing implementat...
AnboxAudioStreamType describes the audio stream type.
AnboxSensorType describes all sensor types supported by Anbox.
AnboxEventType describes the type of event sent from Anbox.