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1import datetime
3import talisker
4from flask import make_response
5from typing import List, Dict, TypedDict, Any, Union
7from canonicalwebteam.store_api.exceptions import StoreApiError
9from webapp.helpers import get_icon
12Packages = TypedDict(
13 "Packages",
14 {
15 "packages": List[
16 Dict[
17 str,
18 Union[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]], List[Dict[str, str]]],
19 ]
20 ]
21 },
24Package = TypedDict(
25 "Package",
26 {
27 "package": Dict[
28 str, Union[Dict[str, str], List[str], List[Dict[str, str]]]
29 ]
30 },
34def fetch_packages(store_api, fields: List[str], query_params) -> Packages:
35 """
36 Fetches packages from the store API based on the specified fields.
38 :param: store_api: The specific store API object.
39 :param: fields (List[str]): A list of fields to include in the package
40 data.
41 :param: query_params: A search query
43 :returns: a dictionary containing the list of fetched packages.
44 """
45 store = store_api(talisker.requests.get_session())
47 category = query_params.get("categories", "")
48 query = query_params.get("q", "")
49 package_type = query_params.get("type", None)
50 platform = query_params.get("platforms", "")
51 architecture = query_params.get("architecture", "")
52 provides = query_params.get("provides", None)
53 requires = query_params.get("requires", None)
55 if package_type == "all":
56 package_type = None
58 args = {
59 "category": category,
60 "fields": fields,
61 "query": query,
62 }
64 if package_type:
65 args["type"] = package_type
67 if provides:
68 provides = provides.split(",")
69 args["provides"] = provides
71 if requires:
72 requires = requires.split(",")
73 args["requires"] = requires
75 packages = store.find(**args).get("results", [])
77 if platform and platform != "all":
78 filtered_packages = []
79 for p in packages:
80 platforms = p["result"].get("deployable-on", [])
81 if not platforms:
82 platforms = ["vm"]
83 if platform in platforms:
84 filtered_packages.append(p)
85 packages = filtered_packages
87 if architecture and architecture != "all":
88 args["architecture"] = architecture
89 packages = store.find(**args).get("results", [])
91 return packages
94def fetch_package(store_api, package_name: str, fields: List[str]) -> Package:
95 """
96 Fetches a package from the store API based on the specified package name.
98 :param: store_api: The specific store API object.
99 :param: package_name (str): The name of the package to fetch.
100 :param: fields (List[str]): A list of fields to include in the package
102 :returns: a dictionary containing the fetched package.
103 """
104 store = store_api(talisker.requests.get_session())
105 package = store.get_item_details(
106 name=package_name,
107 fields=fields,
108 api_version=2,
109 )
110 response = make_response({"package": package})
111 response.cache_control.max_age = 3600
112 return response.json
115def parse_package_for_card(
116 package: Dict[str, Any],
117 store_name: str,
118 store_api: Any,
119 publisher_api: Any,
120 libraries: bool = False,
121) -> Package:
122 """
123 Parses a snap and returns the formatted package
124 based on the given card schema.
126 :param: package (Dict[str, Any]): The package to be parsed.
127 :returns: a dictionary containing the formatted package.
129 note:
130 - This function has to be refactored to be more generic,
131 so we won't have to check for the package type before parsing.
133 """
134 publisher_api = publisher_api(talisker.requests.get_session())
135 resp = {
136 "package": {
137 "description": "",
138 "display_name": "",
139 "icon_url": "",
140 "name": "",
141 "platforms": [],
142 "type": "",
143 "channel": {
144 "name": "",
145 "risk": "",
146 "track": "",
147 },
148 },
149 "publisher": {"display_name": "", "name": "", "validation": ""},
150 "categories": [],
151 # hardcoded temporarily until we have this data from the API
152 "ratings": {"value": "0", "count": "0"},
153 }
155 snap = package.get("snap", {})
156 publisher = snap.get("publisher", {})
157 resp["package"]["description"] = snap.get("summary", "")
158 resp["package"]["display_name"] = snap.get("title", "")
159 resp["package"]["type"] = "snap"
160 resp["package"]["name"] = package.get("name", "")
161 # platform to be fetched
162 resp["publisher"]["display_name"] = publisher.get("display-name", "")
163 resp["publisher"]["name"] = publisher.get("username", "")
164 resp["publisher"]["validation"] = publisher.get("validation", "")
165 resp["categories"] = snap.get("categories", [])
166 resp["package"]["icon_url"] = get_icon(package["snap"]["media"])
168 return resp
171def paginate(
172 packages: List[Packages], page: int, size: int, total_pages: int
173) -> List[Packages]:
174 """
175 Paginates a list of packages based on the specified page and size.
177 :param: packages (List[Packages]): The list of packages to paginate.
178 :param: page (int): The current page number.
179 :param: size (int): The number of packages to include in each page.
180 :param: total_pages (int): The total number of pages.
181 :returns: a list of paginated packages.
183 note:
184 - If the provided page exceeds the total number of pages, the last
185 page will be returned.
186 - If the provided page is less than 1, the first page will be returned.
187 """
189 if page > total_pages:
190 page = total_pages
191 if page < 1:
192 page = 1
194 start = (page - 1) * size
195 end = start + size
196 if end > len(packages):
197 end = len(packages)
199 return packages[start:end]
202def get_packages(
203 store,
204 publisher: Any,
205 store_name: str,
206 libraries: bool,
207 fields: List[str],
208 size: int = 10,
209 query_params: Dict[str, Any] = {},
210) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
211 """
212 Retrieves a list of packages from the store based on the specified
213 parameters.The returned packages are paginated and parsed using the
214 card schema.
216 :param: store: The store object.
217 :param: fields (List[str]): A list of fields to include in the
218 package data.
219 :param: size (int, optional): The number of packages to include
220 in each page. Defaults to 10.
221 :param: page (int, optional): The current page number. Defaults to 1.
222 :param: query (str, optional): The search query.
223 :param: filters (Dict, optional): The filter parameters. Defaults to {}.
224 :returns: a dictionary containing the list of parsed packages and
225 the total pages
226 """
228 packages = fetch_packages(store, fields, query_params)
230 total_pages = -(len(packages) // -size)
232 total_pages = -(len(packages) // -size)
233 total_items = len(packages)
234 page = int(query_params.get("page", 1))
235 packages_per_page = paginate(packages, page, size, total_pages)
236 parsed_packages = []
237 for package in packages_per_page:
238 parsed_packages.append(
239 parse_package_for_card(
240 package, store_name, store, publisher, libraries
241 )
242 )
243 res = parsed_packages
245 categories = get_store_categories(store)
247 return {
248 "packages": res,
249 "total_pages": total_pages,
250 "total_items": total_items,
251 "categories": categories,
252 }
255def format_slug(slug):
256 """Format category name into a standard title format
258 :param slug: The hypen spaced, lowercase slug to be formatted
259 :return: The formatted string
260 """
261 return (
262 slug.title()
263 .replace("-", " ")
264 .replace("And", "and")
265 .replace("Iot", "IoT")
266 )
269def parse_categories(
270 categories_json: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, str]]]
271) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
272 """
273 :param categories_json: The returned json from store_api.get_categories()
274 :returns: A list of categories in the format:
275 [{"name": "Category", "slug": "category"}]
276 """
278 categories = []
280 if "categories" in categories_json:
281 for category in categories_json["categories"]:
282 categories.append(
283 {"slug": category, "name": format_slug(category)}
284 )
286 return categories
289def get_store_categories(store_api) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
290 """
291 Fetches all store categories.
293 :param: store_api: The store API object used to fetch the categories.
294 :returns: A list of categories in the format:
295 [{"name": "Category", "slug": "category"}]
296 """
297 store = store_api(talisker.requests.get_session())
298 try:
299 all_categories = store.get_categories()
300 except StoreApiError:
301 all_categories = []
303 for cat in all_categories["categories"]:
304 cat["display_name"] = format_slug(cat["name"])
306 categories = list(
307 filter(
308 lambda cat: cat["name"] != "featured", all_categories["categories"]
309 )
310 )
312 return categories
315def get_snaps_account_info(account_info):
316 """Get snaps from the account information of a user
318 :param account_info: The account informations
320 :return: A list of snaps
321 :return: A list of registred snaps
322 """
323 user_snaps = {}
324 registered_snaps = {}
325 if "16" in account_info["snaps"]:
326 snaps = account_info["snaps"]["16"]
327 for snap in snaps.keys():
328 if snaps[snap]["status"] != "Revoked":
329 if not snaps[snap]["latest_revisions"]:
330 registered_snaps[snap] = snaps[snap]
331 else:
332 user_snaps[snap] = snaps[snap]
334 now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
336 for snap in user_snaps:
337 snap_info = user_snaps[snap]
338 for revision in snap_info["latest_revisions"]:
339 if len(revision["channels"]) > 0:
340 snap_info["latest_release"] = revision
341 break
343 if len(user_snaps) == 1:
344 for snap in user_snaps:
345 snap_info = user_snaps[snap]
346 revisions = snap_info["latest_revisions"]
348 revision_since = datetime.datetime.strptime(
349 revisions[-1]["since"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
350 )
352 if abs((revision_since - now).days) < 30 and (
353 not revisions[0]["channels"]
354 or revisions[0]["channels"][0] == "edge"
355 ):
356 snap_info["is_new"] = True
358 return user_snaps, registered_snaps
361def get_package(
362 store,
363 publisher_api,
364 store_name: str,
365 package_name: str,
366 fields: List[str],
367 libraries: bool,
368) -> Package:
369 """Get a package by name
371 :param store: The store object.
372 :param store_name: The name of the store.
373 :param package_name: The name of the package.
374 :param fields: The fields to fetch.
376 :return: A dictionary containing the package.
377 """
378 package = fetch_package(store, package_name, fields).get("package", {})
379 resp = parse_package_for_card(
380 package, store_name, store, publisher_api, libraries
381 )
382 return {"package": resp}