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1import json
2import os
3import hashlib
5import flask
6from canonicalwebteam.launchpad import Launchpad
7from ruamel.yaml import YAML
8from webapp.api.requests import PublisherSession, Session
9from canonicalwebteam.store_api.stores.snapstore import SnapPublisher
10import webapp.api.marketo as marketo_api
12_yaml = YAML(typ="rt")
13_yaml_safe = YAML(typ="safe")
14api_session = Session()
15api_publisher_session = PublisherSession()
16marketo = marketo_api.Marketo()
17publisher_api = SnapPublisher(api_publisher_session)
19launchpad = Launchpad(
20 username=os.getenv("LP_API_USERNAME"),
21 token=os.getenv("LP_API_TOKEN"),
22 secret=os.getenv("LP_API_TOKEN_SECRET"),
23 session=api_publisher_session,
27def get_yaml_loader(typ="safe"):
28 if typ == "safe":
29 return _yaml_safe
30 return _yaml
33def get_licenses():
34 try:
35 with open("webapp/licenses.json") as f:
36 licenses = json.load(f)["licenses"]
38 def _build_custom_license(license_id, license_name):
39 return {"licenseId": license_id, "name": license_name}
42 _build_custom_license("Proprietary", "Proprietary"),
43 _build_custom_license("Other Open Source", "Other Open Source"),
44 _build_custom_license(
45 "AGPL-3.0+", "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later"
46 ),
47 ]
49 licenses = licenses + CUSTOM_LICENSES
50 except Exception:
51 licenses = []
53 return licenses
56def get_file(filename, replaces={}):
57 """
58 Reads a file, replaces occurences of all the keys in `replaces` with
59 the correspondant values and returns the resulting string or None
61 Keyword arguments:
62 filename -- name if the file to load.
63 replaces -- key/values to replace in the file content (default {})
64 """
65 filepath = os.path.join(flask.current_app.root_path, filename)
67 try:
68 with open(filepath, "r") as f:
69 data =
70 for key in replaces:
71 data = data.replace(key, replaces[key])
72 except Exception:
73 data = None
75 return data
78def get_yaml(filename, typ="safe", replaces={}):
79 """
80 Reads a file, replaces occurences of all the keys in `replaces` with the
81 correspondant values and returns an ordered dict with the YAML content
83 Keyword arguments:
84 filename -- name if the file to load.
85 typ -- type of yaml loader
86 replaces -- key/values to replace in the file content (default {})
87 """
88 try:
89 yaml = get_yaml_loader(typ)
90 data = get_file(filename, replaces)
91 return yaml.load(data)
92 except Exception:
93 return None
96def dump_yaml(data, stream, typ="safe"):
97 yaml = get_yaml_loader(typ)
98 yaml.dump(data, stream)
101def get_icon(media):
102 icons = [m["url"] for m in media if m["type"] == "icon"]
103 if len(icons) > 0:
104 return icons[0]
105 return ""
108def get_publisher_data():
109 # We don't use the data from this endpoint.
110 # It is mostly used to make sure the user has signed
111 # the terms and conditions.
112 publisher_api.get_account(flask.session)
114 flask_user = flask.session["publisher"]
116 subscriptions = None
118 # don't rely on marketo to show the page,
119 # if anything fails, just continue and don't show
120 # this section
121 try:
122 subscribed_to_newsletter = False
123 marketo_user = marketo.get_user(flask_user["email"])
124 if marketo_user:
125 marketo_subscribed = marketo.get_newsletter_subscription(
126 marketo_user["id"]
127 )
128 if marketo_subscribed.get("snapcraftnewsletter"):
129 subscribed_to_newsletter = True
131 subscriptions = {"newsletter": subscribed_to_newsletter}
132 except Exception:
133 if "sentry" in flask.current_app.extensions:
134 flask.current_app.extensions["sentry"].captureException()
136 flask_user["subscriptions"] = subscriptions
137 context = {"publisher": flask_user}
139 return context
142def get_dns_verification_token(snap_name, domain):
143 salt = os.getenv("DNS_VERIFICATION_SALT")
144 token_string = f"{domain}:{snap_name}:{salt}"
145 token = hashlib.sha256(token_string.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
146 return token
149def get_csp_as_str(csp={}):
150 csp_str = ""
151 for key, values in csp.items():
152 csp_value = " ".join(values)
153 csp_str += f"{key} {csp_value}; "
154 return csp_str.strip()
157def list_folders(directory):
158 return [
159 item
160 for item in os.listdir(directory)
161 if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, item))
162 ]