All files / publisher/tour tourOverlay.tsx

89.28% Statements 50/56
81.48% Branches 22/27
76.47% Functions 13/17
92.59% Lines 50/54

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import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import debounce from "../../libs/debounce";
import TourStepCard from "./tourStepCard";
import TourOverlayMask from "./tourOverlayMask";
import { tourFinished, tourSkipped } from "./metricsEvents";
import { getMaskFromElements, prepareSteps } from "./helpers";
import {
} from "./constants";
import { animateScrollTo } from "../../public/scroll-to";
import type { Step } from "../listing/types";
export default function TourOverlay({
  currentStepIndex = 0,
}: {
  steps: Step[];
  hideTour: () => void;
  currentStepIndex?: number;
}) {
  steps = prepareSteps(steps);
  let setCurrentStepIndex: Function;
  [currentStepIndex, setCurrentStepIndex] = useState(currentStepIndex);
  const step = steps[currentStepIndex];
  // when current step changes, scroll step element into view
    () => {
      const scrollTop =
        window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
      // when tooltip is on top of the mask, scroll into view aligning to bottom
      if (step.position && step.position.indexOf("top") === 0) {
        // scroll element into view aligning it to bottom
        // only if it's below the bottom border of the screen
        // or it's in the top half of the screen
        Eif (
          mask.bottom > scrollTop + window.innerHeight ||
 < SCROLL_MARGIN + scrollTop
        ) {
            // we scroll relative to top of the screen, but we want to stick to bottom
            // so we need to substract the window height
            mask.bottom - window.innerHeight,
      // when tooltip is on the bottom of the mask, scroll aligning to top
      if (step.position && step.position.indexOf("bottom") === 0) {
        // scroll element into view, but only if it's higher on page than top offset
        // or it is in the bottom half of screen
        Iif (
 < SCROLL_OFFSET_TOP + scrollTop ||
          mask.bottom > SCROLL_MARGIN + scrollTop
        ) {
          animateScrollTo(, SCROLL_OFFSET_TOP);
    [currentStepIndex], // refresh effect on step changes, to scroll to correct step
  const overlayEl = useRef(null);
  const mask = getMaskFromElements(step.elements || []);
  // rerender on resize or scroll
  // it is an unusual use of useState to force rerender, but on resize or scroll
  // the state of component doesn't change, it's the position of elements
  // in DOM that changes and component needs to rerender to adapt
  const [, forceUpdate] = useState<object>();
  const rerender = () => forceUpdate({});
  const [isResizing, setIsResizing] = useState(false);
  // rerender after scroll (to adjust to fixed elements that might have moved)
    () => {
      const afterScroll = debounce(() => rerender(), 200);
      window.addEventListener("scroll", afterScroll);
      return () => {
        window.removeEventListener("scroll", afterScroll);
    [], // don't refresh the effect on every render
  // rerender after resize (to adjust to new positions of elements)
  // and hide mask during resize to avoid misalign of mask and tooltip
    () => {
      const onResize = () => {
      const afterResize = debounce(() => {
      }, 1000);
      window.addEventListener("resize", onResize);
      window.addEventListener("resize", afterResize);
      return () => {
        window.removeEventListener("resize", onResize);
        window.removeEventListener("resize", afterResize);
    [], // don't refresh the effect on every render
  const onNextClick = () =>
    setCurrentStepIndex((currentStepIndex + 1) % steps.length);
  const onPrevClick = () =>
    setCurrentStepIndex((currentStepIndex - 1) % steps.length);
  const onFinishClick = () => {
  const onSkipClick = () => {
  // close tour on ESC
  // treat as 'finished' on last step and as 'skipped' on any other step
    () => {
      const escClick = (event: { keyCode: number }) => {
        Eif (event.keyCode === 27) {
          if (currentStepIndex === steps.length - 1) {
          } else {
      window.addEventListener("keyup", escClick);
      return () => {
        window.removeEventListener("keyup", escClick);
    [currentStepIndex], // refresh effect when step changes, to pass correct step id into skip metrics
  return (
    <div className="p-tour-overlay" ref={overlayEl}>
      <TourOverlayMask mask={isResizing ? null : mask} />